Posters Wednesday 29 January
Posters Wednesday 29 January
TOPIC: Outcome measure & Care
34 - The Lewy Body Society - 19 years of Impact
Jacqueline Cannon
10 - Lewy Body International - a coalition of Lewy body voices and action
Ashley Bayston
TOPIC: Prodromal DLB
56 - Cognitive Performance in Early Neuronal alpha-Synuclein Disease
Daniel Weintraub
375 - Faster Decline of Very Prodromal Dementia with Lewy Bodies When Amyloid Positive
Frédéric Blanc
455 - Are fibromyalgia and obsessive personality disorder related with Lewy body dementia?
Maria Fernandez
421 - Viral Infections or Chemical Exposure and their Association with Parkinson’s Disease or Lewy Body Dementia in the United States (2000-2010) in Older Adults
Nicole Marchan
134 - Alpha-synuclein pathology identified among individuals with REM sleep Behavior Disorder induced by a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Michael Howell
154 - Sex effect on cortical neurodegeneration associated with isolated REM sleep behavior disorder
Christina Tremblay
13 - Delirium incidence in Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies before and after dementia diagnosis
Kristin Eidsheim Sønnesyn
42 - Neuropsychological test performance in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies: a meta-analysis.
Kathryn Wyman-Chick
122 - Delirium-onset Prodromal Dementia with Lewy Bodies: A series of 5 cases
Daiki Taomoto
184 - Delirium incidence in Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies before and after dementia diagnosis
Kristin Eidsheim Soennesyn
287 - Discordance between striatal dopaminergic imaging and motor performances in REM sleep behavior disorder
Cinzia Zatti
297 - Alzheimer’s disease and Lewy body disease biomarkers and conversion rate of late-onset psychosis to dementia : a retrospective cohort study.
Yuto Satake
312 - Amyloid pathology in prodromal AD and DLB: an ADNI PET study
Weijie Huang
357 - REM-sleep behaviour disorder in Lewy body disorders: insights from polysomnography and high-field MRI
Eva Heese
426 - Gait alterations in prodromal and early clinically evident stages of Parkinson’s Disease: a mobile health technology multi-center study
Andrea Pilotto
467 - Prevalence of isolated REM-sleep behavioral disorder in Idiopathic Polyneuropathy with cardiac sympathetic denervation: A Cohort Study.
Naja Helt Andersen
TOPIC: Clinical features in DLB
400 - Profound impairment of spatial navigation skills in Lewy body disease using the real-space environment and its computerized version
Zuzana Nedelska
136 - The cognitive connectome in the continuum of Dementia with Lewy bodies
Annegret Habich
219 - Main Effects of post-mortem confirmed Lewy-Body pathology status on antemortem MRI Grey Matter Volumes and interaction effects with associated cognitive domain scores
Minos Kritikos
94 - Clinical and Neuropathologic features of Capgras syndrome in Dementia with Lewy Bodies
Hiroyuki Watanabe
28 - The prevalence of apathy in Lewy body dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Jenny Jia Yu
31 - The Effect of Amyloid and Tau Co-pathology on Disease Progression in the Lewy body Dementias: A Systematic Review
Jerry HK Tan
51 - Catatonia and dementia: a case series
Benoit Schorr
248 - Investigating Early Clinical Risk Factors of Dementia in Parkinson’s disease: A Ten-Year Prospective Study
Øyvind Rustan
255 - Physical Activity and Sleep Biomarkers associated with Cognitive Fluctuation in Dementia with Lewy Bodies
Debby Tsuang
331 - Analysis of Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire-39 in Dementia with Lewy Bodies
Elizabeth Abrahamson
333 - Establishing a worldwide consortium to assess cross-cultural differences in the presentation and measurement of social cognition in LBD, FTD, and HD
Rachel Fitzpatrick
361 - Proportion and Characteristics of DLB Patients Among Those Wishing to Receive Lecanemab Therapy
Hisatomo Kowa
428 - Investigating sensory impairments in people with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB): a scoping review
Rachel Fitzpatrick
429 - Establishing a worldwide consortium to assess cross-cultural differences in the presentation and measurement of social cognition in LBD, FTD, and HD
Rachel Fitzpatrick
448 - Exploring the longitudinal changes in digital rest-activity and sleep outcomes in inpatients with Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson’s disease dementia, with and without delirium.
Gemma Bate
476 - The impact of sensory impairment on the cognitive and non-cognitive features of Lewy body dementia: Findings from the SENSE-Cog Lewy study
Adam Daniel Roche
482 - Neuropsychiatric symptoms in people with Lewy body diseases with and without dementia.
Panagiotis Alexopoulos
486 - Systematic Review of the Impact of Sex and/or Gender Considerations in Lewy Body Dementia (LBD).
Gillian Daly
TOPIC: Pathology
261 - Alzheimer’s co-pathology exacerbates disease severity in DLB but not in MSA: a comparative analysis
Janna Wetering
435 - An epigenomic assessment of α-Synucleinopathy and co-pathologies in Lewy body dementias.
Joshua Harvey
474 - The Syn-D Study: Detection of Cutaneous Phosphorylated Alpha-Synuclein in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment
Christopher Gibbons
279 - Cellular response to alpha-synuclein: Identification of cofactors of alpha-synuclein aggregation.
Pamela McLean
457 - Nuclear alpha-synuclein, DNA damage and damage derived cytoplasmic DNA in the pathology of Dementia with Lewy bodies
David Koss
422 - Insights into alpha-synuclein pathology from rare paediatric sphingolipid storage disorders
Daniel Erskine
470 - Patterns of tau, amyloid and synuclein pathology in ageing, Alzheimer’s disease and synucleinopathies
Sean Colloby
91 - Investigation of the association between angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) use and post-mortem dementia pathology using the UK Brain Banks Network (UKBBN) dataset.
Muzuki Ueda
208 - Beyond proteopathy: lipid dyshomeostasis in Lewy body dementia
Jade Hawksworth
217 - Alpha-Synuclein in the White Matter of Brains with Lewy Body Dementia
Luca Gosse
254 - Impact of Alzheimer's Co-Pathology on Basal Forebrain Atrophy and Cognitive Decline in Dementia with Lewy Bodies
Daniele Urso
340 - Mayo Clinic brain bank for Lewy body disorders
Dennis Dickson
351 - Profile of cerebral T cells in dementia with Lewy bodies
Claire Gee
452 - Markers of LRRK2 activity are associated with pathological protein aggregation in Dementia with Lewy Bodies and across neurodegenerative diseases
Laurie Sanders
266 - Interaction Between Phosphorylated Alpha-Synuclein and Cysteine String Protein Alpha in Synaptic Vesicle Dynamics
Natalie Landeck
270 - The identification of alpha-synuclein pathology preceding clinical diagnosis of Lewy body disease – a systematic review
Aoife Sweeney
326 - Hippocampal α-Synuclein Oligomers and Cognitive Trajectory in Dementia with Lewy Bodies
Hiroaki Sekiya
431 - Comparison of DNA damage in post-mortem Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer’s disease cases
Nicola Morrice
477 - Investigating the role of cellular senescence in Lewy body dementia
Lauren Walker
484 - Characterizing GBA1 Mutations and Alpha-Synuclein Aggregation in Dementia with Lewy Bodies Using Blood Cell Models
Ali Tawbeh
485 - Endothelial dysfunction in dementia with Lewy bodies
Achcha Chimagomedova
21 - Clinical evolution of neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies in a post-mortem cohort
Lucy Gibson
383 - Mixed pathology and the clinical under-recognition of Lewy body disease
Anna Lawson
371 - Neocortical tau pathology is associated with baseline memory and naming, but not visual performance, in autopsy-confirmed dementia with Lewy bodies
Tanis Ferman
222 - Associations between neuropsychiatric symptom burden, change in cognitive status and survival in autopsy-confirmed cohorts of Lewy body disease and Alzheimer’s disease
Shannon Chiu
206 - Mitophagy in Lewy Body Dementia
Searlait Thom
265 - Analysis of CTSB, CTSD, and CTSL in Lewy Body Dementia
Boluwatife Adewale
268 - Exploration Shared Pathological Mechanisms in Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer's Disease Based on Serum microRNA Expression Profiling
Xin Ma
271 - Multi-trait analysis of GWAS improves prediction of Lewy body dementia using polygenic risk scores.
Anna McKeever
325 - ABCA1 missense variants associated with Lewy body dementia: Insights from genome sequence data
Anindita Ray
433 - Genetic determinants of the progression of Lewy body pathology
Lesley Wu